
Hi, I'm Cristina

I’m a spanish visual designer specializing in UI/UX, based in Madrid and available for freelance projects. Currently working in the Marketing Department of Telefónica España for several MVNO brands like O2 and Tuenti. Some of my work including building websites, designing user interfaces, wireframes and marketing materials.

I encourage you to watch the presentation ;)

Hire Me For

Most common questions, answered here

Visual & UX Design

Passionated for creating simple and clean websites and apps, using tools like Sketch and Adobe Creative Suite.

Site Building

I have experience with open-source CMS like WordPress and Django and some frameworks like Bootstrap.

Cross Browsing

Testing, comparing and analyzing the behavior of the website in different browser environments.

UI Design

Marrying visual design with prototyping, with the help of tools like Figma and Invision.

Responsive Design

Creating successful responsive websites that are fast, easy to use, and built with best practices.

Digital Marketing

I use web analytics tools to measure site traffic and acccesability to better optimize marketing campaigns.

Mobile first

Mobile-First Design. Why?

Always trying to create better experiences for users by starting the design process from the smallest of screens: mobile. Designing and prototyping websites for mobile devices first helps you ensure that your users’ experience is seamless on any device.

The Good Word

Take a look at my clients and see what they say about me

Estamos plenamente satisfechos con el resultado final y con la forma en la que Cristina ha realizado el trabajo. Respetando escrupulosamente los plazos objetivados, facilitando el trabajo de los programadores, haciendo prueba de iniciativa y disponibilidad y sobre todo, habiendo conseguido un diseño muy atractivo por su estética, dinamismo y funcionalidad.

José Ramón Durán Alday,

MigraJobs Company Manager

Además de su experiencia y buen hacer, una de las grandes cualidades que atesora Cristina es, sin duda, su gran responsabilidad y su capacidad para trabajar en equipo, propiciando así un ambiente óptimo de trabajo y motivación con el conjunto de sus compañeros.

Javier Molina,

Cycle-IT Company Manager

Cristina es una persona con un alto grado de implicación y una marcada proactividad. Su alto grado de compromiso, organización y calidad de sus resultados no admiten dudas. Es una persona de equipo, que siempre está predispuesta a ayudar y que, difícilmente, tiene un mala respuesta para los demás.

Mohamed Seddik,

Run App Key Company Manager

When I’m Not Working

Like any respectable designer I take photographs, play music, and generally try not to sit in front of my computer. But in this case, I´m the brand guardian of the coldwave band called Artik Falls. I have created its look and feel, logo, and I have edited its videoclips. Also I have wrote posts on social media, and why not, I have sung some song too ;)

Personal Stuff

Personal Stuff | Illustration

"Color is the essence of painting, which the subject always killed."
Kazimir Severínovich Malévich.


Let's Talk

If you would like to know more, discuss a possible project or simply say hi, feel free to drop me a line.
Or if you prefer, you can send an email to